Ralph Bollman, 1910
County Supervisor
County Water Board President (Bollman Water Treatment Plant is named after him.)
County Fire Commissioner
Wayman Ballenger, 1912
Concord City Clerk
Joe DeRosa, 1923
Mayor of Concord (youngest in the state when he was elected)
Concord Postmaster for 40+ years
County Fire Commissioner
Robert B. "Brownie" Matheson, 1950
Runs the trucking company with the big yellow trucks with his name on them.
Larry Azevedo, 1953
Mayor of Concord
Ron Hanson, 1953
Chief of UC Davis Medical School's OB/GYN section
Tom Wentling, 1953
Treasurer of City of Concord
Rich Bartke, 1954
First National Park Superintendent of the Presidio of SF National Park.
Pete Weisser, 1954
Information Officer for the California Department of Water Resources
Before: Department of Fish and Game
Before entering State service: News Reporter, working at the San Fancisco Chronicle,

Associated Press and Sacramento Bee.
During the 1980s: Chief of the Press Office at the State Department of Health Services.
Walt Kaiser, 1955
Professor of Geology(?) at Washington State University
Traveling in South America (as of November 2001)
Bill Macchi, 1955
First Catholic priest ordained in Concord.
Bishop's assistant for several years.
Pastor of St. Francis in YV.
Ron Loveridge, 1956
Mayor of Riverside, CA
Dave Montgomery, 1956
Chief of Stanford Business School
Thomas Edmund "Ted" Plumb, 1957
Professional Football Assistant. Coach:

Chicago Bears

Philadelphia Eagles

Arizona Cardinals
Diane (Tadlock) Longshore, 1962
First female MDHS alumna to become Mayor of Concord.
MDHS Teacher Norm Kestner
Mayor of Concord
* Thanks to Jim Serventi, '55 for submitting this listing of notable MDHS grads!
* and to Pete Weisser 040704, and to Eric Kuntz 092706, for the updates.
* With further information from commencement programs and the comprehensive alumni data base.
* Information from 2001 MDHS Centennial Program.
* Mt. MIllennium, Winter 2003.
* Other sources: linked websites and Google.com
December 4, 2003:
Navy Seaman Recruit Eddie L. Garcia, '02
recently graduated from Operations Specialist School.