It does not seem out of the way here to make a few remarks as to the attitude of the people of this district concerning the school. Although they have assisted us, financially and otherwise, when such assistance seemed necessary, it has been a common thing to hear that the school was "going to the dogs" and that the students were losing interest in their work.
People who decry the High School should remember that it is their school and has been established by them, and that not by their knocking but by their loyal and hearty support and cooperation only can it hope to succeed. The men and women who expect the most from the school, we notice, are not always ready and willing to defend it from slurs, and give it their loyal support.
.......when the parties and gatherings die out, so also does the spirit of the school... That the students wish to gather together is a good omen for the school and should be encouraged rather than frowned upon. Boost, don't knock!

- By Martin J. Gavin, '11

from his Editorial for the 1910 Acta

The Trident's
Roving Reporter
Thanks to Helen Cotter, MDHS food service manager, for this recipe.
El Diablo's
Roving Reporter
"Our civilization is doomed if the unheard of actions of younger generations are allowed to continue."
- found on a 4,000 year old tablet in the ancient city of Ur.
"I would there were no age between 10, and 3 and twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest for there is nothing in between but getting wenches with child, wronging the ancientry, stealing and fighting."
- from A Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare